B.S. in Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making
June 2023
Minor in Music Technology
This major provided me with a robust understanding of AI and decision-making processes. Drawing from multiple disciplines including computer science, statistics, and cognitive sciences, I gained proficiency in designing AI systems that can perceive, communicate, adapt, and make informed decisions in dynamic environments.
Undergraduate Researcher
February 2023 - June 2023
Engaged in a research project bringing together anthropology and computer science, with a focus on integrating linguistic anthropological studies of magic and communication with data visualization. Conducting qualitative, primarily ethnographic, research on how individuals interact with and communicate through online visualizations.
Software Engineer Intern
June 2021 - August 2021
As a Software Development Intern at Amazon Redshift, I contributed to the development of new features and functionalities for database operations, with a specific focus on file creation and parsing. My main tools were C++ and SQL. Additionally, I designed and implemented a suite of system integration test cases using Python and YAML, thus ensuring the robustness and reliability of our systems.
This Website!
Welcome to my website! I utilized Next.js 13, React, and TypeScript to develop and add functionality to my website. I hope to continue learning web development and creating high-quality, user-friendly applications.
MIT 21M.383 Computational Music Theory
Spring 2023
Developed a Python-based algorithm to optimize finger and fret positions for monophonic melodies on guitars, using Music 21 for musical notation, effectively reducing tablature complexity and enhancing playability. Designed and implemented fretboard and preposition classes to analyze and minimize hand movements for guitar players, demonstrating significant computation time reduction from minutes to seconds.
MIT 6.8301 Computer Vision
Spring 2023
Developed an Optical Music Recognition (OMR) system specifically tailored to recognize handwritten music scores. This project leveraged end-to-end deep learning techniques to convert intricate musical notation into a digital format. My primary tasks included implementing state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms to accurately recognize and encode music symbols, notations, and expressive markings from handwritten sheet music.
MIT 6.3730 Statistics, Computation and Applications
Spring 2023
Studied travel behavior determinants in New York City, comparing for-hire vehicles (FHVs) and public transit usage. Performed data analysis, processing extensive datasets from MTA NY Open Data and Visual Crossing Weather Data API. I performed data cleaning, mapping subway stations into NYC taxi zones, and developed a unique choice index for travel preference assessment. This involved leveraging regression techniques and hypothesis testing to identify impactful features. The project primarily used python in addition to R for data visualization.
MIT 6.4400 Computer Graphics
Fall 2023
In a unique project, I developed a Softbody Tetris Simulation in Unity, combining classic gameplay with softbody physics. Using the Spring/Mass Model, I enabled jelly-like behavior for Tetris pieces, providing a dynamic user interaction. The project involved mesh discretization, creation of particle mass and connections, and efficient updating and rendering of 3D Tetris pieces. This work showcased my skills in game development, physics simulation, and 3D modeling.
Beat, Build, Break:Autonomous Agent Hackathon
Unleash creativity to build solutions that break benchmarks or advance the autonomous agent field in unprecedented ways, aiming for game-changing innovations.